Jupiter Aspects

Birth chart report

Jupiter conjunction Jupiter  Jupiter conjunct Jupiter: These two people were either born in the same year or they were born a multiple of 12 years apart. It increases the probability that they come from similar religious, educational or philosophical backgrounds. If they weren't born near the same year, then the older individual may act as a surrogate parent or guide to the younger individual.

Jupiter trine sextile Jupiter  Jupiter trine or sextile Jupiter: This aspect is similar to the conjunction. It increases the probability that they come from similar religious, educational or philosophical backgrounds. Usually the older person will guide the younger.

Jupiter opposition square Jupiter  Jupiter opposite or square Jupiter: This aspect increases the probability that they come from different religious, educational or philosophical backgrounds. This is unlikely to be a major issue unless Jupiter plays a major role in one of the native's birth charts.

Jupiter semisextile quincunx Jupiter  Jupiter aversion to Jupiter: This aspect increases the probability that they come from different religious, educational or philosophical backgrounds.

Jupiter conjunction Saturn  Jupiter conjunct Saturn: This union often creates a lasting and stable drive for success between these two people. It is especially good for business partnerships. These two people can achieve much together. The Jupiter person often provides the overall plan and the Saturn person works out the practical details. This combination represents the ability to bring visions and hopes into reality.

Jupiter trine sextile Saturn  Jupiter trine or sextile Saturn: This is essentially the same as the conjunction, so you should read the description above.

Jupiter opposition square Saturn  Jupiter opposite or square Saturn: This combination tends to create a certain amount of stagnation in a relationship. The Saturn person usually hinders the enthusiasm of the Jupiter indivdual and the Jupiter person may be careless with the resources of the Saturn individual. Often there is a difference of philosophy. In business relationships, this tends to create financial ruin.

Jupiter semisextile quincunx Saturn  Jupiter aversion to Saturn: With this configuration, there might be a tendency for these two people to have difficulty bringing their hopes into practical reality. The two may have unrealistic expectations of eachother.

© 2001 Curtis Manwaring

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