Timaeus 9 Pro Astrology Software
Introduction to Timaeus 9 Pro
Timaeus is a system tray application that runs in the background and shows the passage of the planetary hours and the current rising sign as tray icons that change over time according to astrological conditions. It is like having an "astrological weather forecast" on a continual basis. Timaeus also alerts you with user defined sounds when the alerts you set are triggered or a planetary hour changes. These alerts can be set for planetary positions at a given degree or for when a given planet crosses the horizon and meridian angles. Typically these are most useful in horary astrology (for the judging of questions) and electional astrology (for selecting the right time to do something important). Timaeus is also capable of monitoring natal charts, finding transits and various types of progressions to natal positions and gives interpretations in what could be called an advanced daily horoscope. When you hover the mouse over the icons, a popup hint appears showing the current hour lord, time elapsed and time remaining in minutes, and the ascendant and midheaven degrees. Timaeus not only runs in the background, but you can bring it into the foreground by double clicking (or right clicking for a context menu) which will by default show the transiting chart for the moment set for your current location on the Monitor tab. From there you can compare natal to transits, various progression types, run the graphic ephemeris, rectify the chart, animate transits and progressions, print chart wheels and generate Acrobat reports for various chart analyses. If you're not sure what you need, there is a software feature matrix to help you understand the differences between Timaeus Pro, Delphic Oracle XPF and Delphic Oracle WL.
What's new in Timaeus 9 Pro?

Timaeus 9 Pro in more detail...

The Main Options comprise more than 130 separate settings. Primary directions alone have a total of about 100 different settings (adding the fixed stars brings them to over 1000). The Solar Revolution method based upon Umar Al-Tabari has been included at the request of Benjamin Dykes, PhD and can do comparisons of solar returns to natal or distribute solar return positions to itself.

The options are quite broad which can be seen in the graphic at left. Over 1100 fixed stars (you can filter by magnitude and ecliptic latitude or declination, the beginnings of filtering redundant directions and several historical usage themes which the user can add to. Unlike most software, the calculation range is in the neighborhood of 5400 years (15 cycles of 360 degrees) suitable for use in mundane astrology. There is a progress bar and cancel button for these longer calculations and it is on a separate thread to avoid hanging the application.
This is also set up with live data which allows one to click on a direction under the M/Z column and see any number of user defined charts as specified on the Options | Generated tab after pressing F3 (Main Options). As in Delphic Oracle, one can drag the splitter down and click on any direction to see the internal debug data for those who are mathematically proficient and want to check the calculations.

The Graph is also contains live data and will show your Autogenerated Charts (transits, progressions, etc) you specify so that you can compare the charts for the time you clicked on to the natal in a flash! Once the chart(s) are showing, you can animate them backwards or forwards in time with either the rectification toolbar for single wheels or the transit toolbar for multiple wheels.

Colors can be chosen for any object displayed in the wheel and saved as a Color Theme. User defined glyphs allow you to switch to your favorite glyph for any given celestial object. There are now 43 different planets / asteroids / points which can be shown in the chart wheel!

Wheel Categories allow you to quickly redesign your own wheel types and see the results immediately by redrawing the chart type you are working on. There's no need for clumsy wheel definitions, simply save a wheel theme on the Themes tab when you have made your settings.

The chart database is searchable and you can do case sensitive searches or limit your searches to a given database or search all databases at once. The data entries can be sorted according to alphabetical order, dates and chart types depending upon the column header you click on. The new data entry window allows you to enter notes about the chart, show accuracy of the birth info, etc.
Terran Atlas View

Jyotish View

Graphic Ephemeris View

Fixed Stars View

Primary Directions View

Chart Designer View

Medieval Square View

Hellenistic Square View

Other Highlights
- Reports for dates of heliacal rising and setting within 7 days of the birth date, a listing of arabic parts, planetary speed, 12th parts (dwadasamsa, dodekatamoira), monomoiria, Valens eminence indicators and more...
- Includes the ability to print all charts and graphs in the same way Delphic Oracle does and can also generate Acrobat files for charts and data calulations such as primary directions, almutem figuris and essential dignities, degrees, asteroid positions, planetary declinations and parans, etc...
- Includes optional user defined docking for all windows so you can control whether a window docks or floats. When floating, windows remember their size and position on screen even between program restarts.
- Generates HTML reports of your charts with essential dignity tables, lot positions, eminence indicators and more; this is especially helpful when building a website.
- Chart Orientation capability that allows you to display fortune houses with the part of fortune as the ascendant in 3 different modes (0 degrees, 15 degrees or exact degree of fortune sign). The same can be done with whole sign houses from the ascendant.
- Displays chart ascensional times for the zodiac signs according to Hellenistic tradition (Valens) in the center of the chart wheel or as popup hints when hovering the mouse over signs.
- Popup hints that display the planets statistical details such as, exact position to the 100th second of arc, domicile, exaltation, triplicity, bound and decan lords as well as planetary sect, the winds of the planets and their chariots.
- Calculates Derivative Charts such as solar returns (both modern and Hellenistic), lunar returns and planetary returns out to pluto for up to 100 cycles from the search date forward or backward in time. Also calculates the 3rd, 7th and 40th day of the Moon charts according to Hellenistic tradition.
- A user defined asteroid database that is capable of calculating sorted asteroid data for all asteroids where Swiss Ephemeris files exist (there are currently over 200,000 asteroids files in the Swiss Ephemeris database).
- Transit delineations based upon your birth chart with interpretations using local determination with over 5,000 delineations of planets as lord of a given house or in a given house.
- Chart rectification and transit animation toolbars allow you to watch planet positions change over time animating the natal chart or transiting charts by user defined increments.
- Planetary hour and rising sign glyphs that shows the current hour and rising sign in the system tray. When you hover your mouse over the glyph, the time elapsed, time remaining (in minutes), ascendant and midheaven degrees show in a popup hint. Double clicking on the glyph can be set to show a chart of the current sky positions, celestial statistics, or a schedule of planetary hours.
- Customizable alerts that play a *.wav file you specify to alert you when a planet or degree crosses one of the 4 angles in real time.
- Swiss Ephemeris level accuracy. Timaeus uses the Swiss Ephemeris which is one of the most accurate planetary calculation engines in existence and has a range of 10,110 years (can calculate birth charts between Jan 1, 4713 BCE - Dec 31, 5,399 CE).
- Online help files. Timaeus comes with help files for practically every situation you will find yourself in while using it.