Accessing Transits:
There are several ways to access transits from the time lords interface. The main menu's on both the main Time Lords window and the Sub-Periods window have a "Transit" menu on them. They both also have a context menu and a tool button that clearly says "Transits" when you hover the mouse over the toolbutton. Unless a period is highlighted, the menu items and toolbuttons devoted to this task are grayed out, so you need to highlight a planetary or zodiacal period (which is a point in time) in the list.
In the main Time Lords window, you view a transit for the start of that period by right clicking that period and selecting "Transits" or by cliking the toolbutton above that, or by selecting the main menu View | Transits:
It can also be reached in the sub periods window in the same way:
Tip: The most convenient way to get transits from the sub period window is to double click a period. In the main window, this action generates a sub period listing, but in the sub period window this action generates transits. Once you calculate a transit, a new window pops up allowing you refinement of the planet positions by transit intervals or by transit animation.